Otaru City
Former Temiya Railway Facility
Ruins of a railway facility in Temiya which was once the center of railway transport during the government-owned Horonai railway days. The No. 3 Locomotive Garage built in 1885, is the oldest remaining locomotive garage. It currently houses steam locomotives which run occasionally. National Cultural Property
- 駐車場あり
所在地 | 小樽市手宮 |
アクセス | 【札幌から】 車:約50分(札樽自動車道経由) JR:約1時間(函館本線) バス:約1時間10分(高速バス) 【旭川空港から】 車:約2時間50分(道央自動車道→札樽自動車道) JR:約3時間50分(空港リムジンバス→函館本線) |
お問い合わせ | Otaru Museum Phone: 0134-33-2523 |
Musuem Hours : | 9 : 30~17 : 00 Closed Tuesdays |